
Immerse yourself in timeless design excellence with our architectural and interior services. Elevate your space with bespoke solutions tailored to your unique style. Experience the epitome of refined luxury and impeccable craftsmanship.

Aybar Architecture offers a complete and quality service to the client, covering all professional aspects in the field of architecture and design, assisting our clients throughout the development process.

Our understanding of architecture resides in designing buildings and spaces that will have a profound improvement on people’s lifestyles.

Our architecture is uniquely matched to each project, but always seeks to combine beauty and meaning by placing people at the center of each design.

Our services range from the realization of the initial design and the documentation of the pilot project to the consultancy and the application of licenses, going through the bidding of the works, culminating in the construction management and the supervision of the final works.

We assist our clients throughout the entire development process.

Technical Due Diligence (TDD) regarding regulations involves a detailed examination of a property’s compliance with the following relevant.

·Visit the property and measure the building surface (just outlines)

·Conclude what is on site is registered, and possibilities of registration by antiquity if not.

·Viability to include the buildings in the Register in Land.

·Protection or non-protection situation.

·Possible natural or anthropological risks.

·Red Natura.

·AFO situation and viability.

·Possible Andalusian Government authorization required.

·Septic tank or cesspit, water and electricity supply for AFO requirements.

·Meet the municipal architect in Town Hall, whenever is necessary, to find agreements about your property.

·To confirm if it is possible to update the Deeds.

Once all this is done, we will know for sure the situation and possibilities of regularization of your property, how it would be recommended to proceed, and how much in total it will cost.

Architectural design and interior design are inherently intertwined, with each influencing the other. That’s why our entire team consists of licensed architects guaranteeing not just aesthetic and functional appeal, but also the meticulous technical execution of every detail.

Homes should be a reflection of the people who live in it. A representation of their lifestyle, taste and personality. Our approach involves developing a distinct ‘leitmotiv’ with both aesthetic and functional elements that cater specifically to their way of living.

We guide our clients since the very first moment they start their projects until every little aspect that complete people’s properties:

  • Fitted furniture.
  • Lighting.
  • Kitchen Equipment.
  • Decoration objects and features.
  • Art and artefacts

We have a 100% success rate in all regularization processes. 231 in total processed throughout the entire province, both in rural and urban areas.

The Autonomous Community of Andalusia has provided legal coverage to buildings in situations assimilated to the regime of being outside planning regulations, built without building licence or in contravention of its conditions, based on the provisions of Article 173 of Law 7/2021, as well as those regulated in Articles 404 and following of Decree 550/2022, which establish that irregular buildings that are completed, on any type of land and for any use, for which it is already prescribed although it will not be possible to demolish the property or to restore the legal order disturbed due to the expiration of the period for its exercise as established in Article 153.1 of the Law.

The importance of declaring illegal buildings as being in a situation assimilated to being out of order lies in the fact that subsequently, through the corresponding licenses, works of conservation, reform, and those of adaptation of the buildings for the activities developed therein, as well as the implantation, including those of consolidation that do not involve an increase in occupation or built volume, unless this is necessary for the execution of auxiliary elements required by the sectoral regulations that apply.

Obtaining the First Occupancy License (FOL) is the only way to legalize any type of construction. Furthermore, it is necessary to contract and register utilities such as water, electricity, etc.

It is an official document issued by the public administration after verifying that the building, dwelling, or any construction in general has been constructed and executed according to the technical project submitted to the competent public administration beforehand. It is also used to legalize minor modifications made to the original work, provided that the current legal regulations allow for their legalization.

Likewise, the Junta de Andalucía requires the First Occupation License as an essential requirement to be able to use the home for tourist purposes and register it in the Andalusian Tourism Registry.



Are you selling your property?

Do you need a mortgage?

Are you thinking of preparing the documentation for an inheritance?

Or do you simply want to update the Deeds of your home to reflect its current physical condition?

We assist you in updating the Deeds of your property and declaring any new construction on the buildings, whether they are located in Urban or Rustic Land, by preparing the required descriptive-graphic certificate of antiquity, along with georeferencing and GML of the constructions, for subsequent registration in the Property Registry.

We appraise real estate for INHERITANCES and LIQUIDATIONS OF PROFIT COMPANIES in order to obtain the real value of the properties and help in their fair distribution.

We determine the MARKET VALUE in sales advice.

We prepare EXPERT APPRAISALS in legal proceedings, and CONTRADICTORY APPRAISALS in claims against the Public Treasury.

We write valuation reports to estimate JUSTIPRETIONS in expropriation files.

Structural surveys serve as essential health checks for properties, offering detailed inspections to assess their condition and structure.

This building pathology report is conducted through non-invasive visual inspections. It identifies structural defects and construction damages deemed relevant by the drafting architect, all of which are linked to the property’s health and habitability.

When purchasing a home, you have the option to select from three levels of survey:

  • We can also offer a verbal report, prior to an auction.
  • Condition Survey or Technical Note: It points out the main problems in the house. It includes the thermographic inspection of the whole house to check thermal bridges, air infiltrations, humilities, identification of structural elements and possible hidden elements, etc. Endoscope in cameras, vitrometer, hygrometer, inclinometer and fracture measurements will be used in case we consider it necessary. The main problems and their origin are reported. It does not include plans of the house, nor estimation of reparation costs.
  • Full structural survey: It points out the main problems existing in the house. It includes the thermographic inspection of the whole house to check for thermal bridges, air infiltrations, humidity, identification of structural elements and possible hidden elements, etc. In this case we also elaborate the planimetric survey of the house. Determining the origin of the pathologies and providing an estimate of the repair costs.


We can either look at a specific defect to the property or carry out a full structural survey.

As buyer we highly recommend obtaining a structural survey for your peace of mind. Your report can be used to negotiate the price of the property. Our expert advice will provide invaluable to you.

The Energy Efficiency Certificate is a document that evaluates the energy consumed by a property and the polluting emissions it produces, under normal operating and occupancy conditions.

Registration in the Andalusian Registry of Energy Efficiency Certificates for Buildings and Industries is mandatory. Said registration can be carried out by both the owner and the technician, as long as he has express authorization from the same.

It is valid for 10 years from its issuance.
All types of property that are sold or rented will be required to have an Energy Efficiency Certificate.

There is an obligation to display the Energy Efficiency Label for buildings / Making the energy certificate available in leasing / sale operations.